Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sparkling Mindz - Creative Thinking workshop for kids!

Sparkling Mindz and PageTurners presented a 2 hour activity packed and fun-filled workshop on creative thinking for children in the age group of 8 and 13.

It was a fun-filled, exciting and an enlightening experience even for me.

Sreeja, an MBA graduate from Indian School of Business (ISB) and her collgeaue, Saritha, a psychology major, took care of the show deligently. Their goal was simple, keep the children excited, happy and make them think to come out with out of the box and rational answers.

Sometimes, in the rut to memorize things and throw-up on the examination papers, we forget to learn. This two-hour impactful session had the children wanting to do more and some of their answers that came out of rational reasoning impressed the teachers and the parents alike. Here are some candid shots and if you are interested in enrolling your or a relative's child, do get in touch with Sreeja Iyer at

Session details
•    A reflective session and feedback
•    Parent interaction post the workshop
•    At a location in the heart of the city!
•    All for a fee of Rs. 250

Sparkling Mindz also has a more regular and monthly learning sessions for those seeking a more rewarding option. Visit for more details.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Start-up city, May 28, 2011 (SiliconIndia)

So many start-ups, so many ideas and we remain oblivious to all. This is SiliconIndia's effort to bring them to the limelight and therefore, passing the inspirational news for others to make magic.

The one day event covered impacting discussions with the top honchos of established firms and young energetic minds. A sneak peak into what could be the future of tomorrow along with the latest in the technology market. 

Who else, well the most need, the Venture Capitalists. Here are the photos clicked during the day long event.

Balloons for decoration, the exhibition was full of these.


Siliconindia Organizers, getting things in place

Waiting at the NIMHANS convention center

Social Media seems to be taking the center stage for everything

Digital River

Auditorium, minutes before the session and then it was fully packed with not a single seat left.

United Mobile Apps

Intel had an unique offering for all technology savvy start-ups

Hakuna matata a one stop source for everything you need to know about Bangalore




The stage

Editor, SiliconIndia

Key Note Speaker and the founder and CEO of Tutorvista

Jokes on student's thought process

Questions from the audience - 1

Questions from the audience -2

Listening passionately

Questions from the audience -3

FusionCharts CEO - Pallav Nadhani and Murugavel Janakiraman, CEO (Consim Info.)

Both Pallav and Murugavel stole the audience's heart by interesting stories. Pallav told an anecdote from his personal life. His first sale was for $15 from US and the cheque did not increase the cash balance in his bank account. On the contrary, it brought the balance low. When he checked, it was due to the International Cheque Clearance fee which apparently was more than the value of the cheque itself. Founder



Venture Capitalists

Lunch - preparation